Cookie & Audience measurement

What cookies are used by Oblyk and how is the audience measured?

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Oblyk uses cookies solely for operational purposes.

This means that we do not store or share any data about you that would enable us to draw up an advertising profile, create a digital identity (fingerprint), measure the audience for an advertisement or any other activity that would enable us to track you.

The cookies we store are used solely for the following purposes:

  • Customise the interface : choice of language, theme, interactive map rendering, etc.
  • Your session : to stay connected so you don't have to log in again each time you visit.

These cookies are only stored on your phone, tablet or computer and are not sent to Oblyk.

Audience measurement

Like most sites and applications, Oblyk uses a tool to measure its audience, such as the number of pages viewed, the most popular pages, the number of visitors, etc.

It is an essential tool for identifying problems and areas for improvement.

We use Matomo, hosted by FELINN, to measure the Oblyk audience.

  • Matomo is an audience measurement tool that respects privacy and has been validated by the CNIL as a legitimate measurement tool for collecting data that is only necessary for the proper functioning of a site or application..
  • FELINN is an association based in Lyon that campaigns for net neutrality and respect for privacy on the Internet.

Matomo is configured in such a way that all data collected (such as IP addresses) is anonymised. This means that we only have a global view of Oblyk usage and cannot trace it back to a specific user.

If you have activated the "Do not track me" option on your browser, Matomo does not collect your browsing data.

Despite the anonymous and purely functional nature of the navigation data that matomo collects, you can refuse that Matomo collects it by selecting the option below: