Our tools for climbing guidebooks

We are convinced that the future of rock climbing depends on climbing guidebook, whether it be for information on climbing crags, contributing to their maintenance or promoting outdoor climbing. Climbing guidebooks are part of the history of our sport and its future.
We put all our imagination into designing tools that allow the climbing community to find and buy topos of the crags where they climb.

All you need to know about climbing guidebooks !

What climbing crags are included in the climbing guidebooks? Where can I buy them? Who are the authors?
You will find all the information you need.

All our climbing guidebooks

Are you going somewhere and looking for the local guidebooks?

Are you travelling to a region and have no idea which guidebooks to put in your bag?
Our unique guidebook search tool allows you to find all guidebooks within a radius of your destination.

Find a guidebook

Buying a guidebook is good, buying the right one is better!

Some guidebooks do not participate in the equipment of climbing crags. Even if they can present an interesting compilation of a region, it is preferable to have the originals to support the work of the bolters.

To help you find the right guidebook we have developed two tools.

1. A clear indication of whether a guidebook contributes to the equipment of crags

2. And if it does not participate, we invite you to look at the other guidebooks that present these crags

Your digital library

You have dozens of guidebooks and we congratulate you! You have probably already asked yourself what your library is worth, how many climbing crags you have on your bookshelf?
Or, you have already found yourself in the shelves of a bookshop, not remembering if you already have this umpteenth guidebook of Fontainebleau?

We have the tool for you! Look for your guidebooks on Oblyk and in one click create a digital clone of your paper guidebooks library.

Continue to support the bolters

Buying a new version of a guidebook that you already have means that you are continuing to contribute to the maintenance of the climbing crags in which you climb.

We want to help you support them!
We base our suggestions for new versions of the guidebooks you own on your ascents logbook and your guidebooks library.